Spine Surgery Cost In India: Things to Bear in Mind

Our spine is a major component of the body whose wellbeing is crucial for a joyous life. A back pain proves to be a common occurrence for many of us. In many cases, it settles down automatically without the need for any medical attention. Sometimes, it may create advanced problems and the person has to visit a doctor. But, when it troubles too much and physical therapies or medicines don't work, surgery may be required. A lot of spinal surgeries are available in medical science based on the trouble from which the patient is suffering. Now, one important thing that can appear in the mind of many is regarding the spine surgery cost in India. For that, we will make you aware of some points on which the surgical cost depends.

1. Kind of Surgery

The spine surgery cost in India varies depending on what kind of problem the patient is suffering from and the kind of treatment he requires. We are mentioning some commonly used spinal surgeries along with their expected costs.

  •         I.            Vertebroplasty- If a person experiences vertebral compression fracture, the surgeon takes help from this minimally invasive surgery. It is a procedure used to stop painful movements. A special cement is injected into the vertebra which has been fractured. You may need to spend around 50,000 – 70,000 rupees for vertebroplasty.
  •       II.            Kyphoplasty- Just like vertebroplasty, the objective of this surgery is to treat vertebral compression fractures. But, the procedure varies. Here, a specific kind of cement is injected into the vertebrae. The surgeon inserts a balloon-like device to make some space for the treatment. Kyphoplasty can cost around 3 to 4 Lakh rupees in India.
  •     III.            Discectomy- During this procedure, a slipped or herniated disc is eliminated. With its help, the pressure on the nerves is reduced. It can be done either as an open spine surgery or minimally invasive. The spine surgery cost in India of discectomy is around 60,000 – 70,000 rupees.
  •     IV.            Spine Fusion- It proves to be a popular and one of the commonly used spinal procedures. It comes into use to relieve and treat the symptoms of several spinal problems. Two or more vertebrae in the spine are permanently connected in this surgical process that eliminates the motion between them. The cost of spinal fusion can go around 2 to 5 Lakh rupees.
  •       V.            Artificial Disc Replacement- In this surgical process, the degenerated or damaged disc substance between the small bones in the spine is removed and replaced with an artificial disc. One of the main aims behind performing this surgery is to reduce back pain. The spine surgery cost in India for artificial disc replacement can be around 3.8 to 5 Lakh rupees.
  •     VI.            Laminectomy- It stands as a kind of surgery where a part or entire vertebral bone (lamina) is removed to ease pressure on the spinal cord or the nerve roots. In this kind of surgery, you may need to pay around 50,000 – 60,000 rupees.

2. Kind of Surgeon 

You can find a number of experienced and professional surgeons who deal with different forms of spinal surgeries. According to their specialization and reputation, you may expect a higher fee structure. And yes, if he is taking help from advanced technologies in the surgery, the likelihood of higher cost increases.

3. Hospital and Its Charges

Spine surgery cost in India varies from hospital to hospital and city to city. A lot of orthopedic hospitals are there in India where you can find comparatively low cost spine surgery treatment. On the other side, some hospitals have higher rates according to their success rates, facilities, and the availability of experienced surgeons.

4. Pre and Post-Operative Procedures

A lot of pre and post-surgical or diagnostic tests are also there to count in the overall cost. Additionally, if the patient is guided to stay under observation after the surgery, he may need to pay more than expected.  

Wherever you go, make sure to pick a place that offers low cost spine surgery treatment with decent facilities and higher success rates.


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